
Congressional Travel to hot spots in the Carribbean, Balkans and North Korea.

The Grand Tour

Vic’s great-grandfather tours Europe in 1903.

Nazi Hunt

The Hunt for the Missing Nazis Executed in the District.

The Boundary Stones of the District

The first 40 Monuments of the United States.

Mr. Lincoln’s Washington

Civil War remnants in the Capital and the story of Jubal Early’s last desperate assault (from the North!).

Culpeper Crossroads

The Civil War Road to Richmond (Extended Narrative).

Snake Ranch Papers, Volume 1

The first of five aggregations of letters from Korea 1in 1980, each letter a mini-story Vic has been toting around for the last 30 years. It includes the ‘you-are-there’ journey through a military coup in Seoul and the massacre at Kwang-ju.