The Latest From the NCR

Gentle Colleagues,

Just a quick note on the continued disintegration of our grand Republic. We periodically report on some of the craziness in Washington that demonstrates our government no longer operates in accordance with the principals contained in our founding documents. Here is the latest that showed up this morning. It is a part of a spectrum of conduct and activity that is, frankly, unconstitutional and now treated as normal. You will feel something familiar about it because this is how things work. For example, the 2nd Amendment says a certain right to own a certain category of things “shall not be infringed.” The Constitution has a process for changing provisions that have become obsolete. The process was designed to be rigorous and require discussion.

In order to avoid such inconvenience, all manner of controversial things become law without discussion or attribution to those who made it law. Here is the latest. It is like the back-door gun registrations, elimination of gas stoves, gender confusion and the host of other socially virtuous acts that would not survive ten minutes of debate. Headline?

“World Economic Forum (WEF) Provision Sneaked Into Omnibus Bill Will Ration Beef Consumption in U.S.”

Legal experts are raising the alarm over a WEF provision that was snuck in the recently passed omnibus bill that will severely ration America’s beef supply to the public. That omnibus was passage of six of the old appropriations bills debated, modified, and eventually passed for enactment by the President. They were lumped into emergency bills to authorize spending for a year that is already halfway gone.

The provision is modest by current standards. $15 million has been allocated to electronically track livestock, raising fears that the new system could be weaponized by the government to limit beef consumption, as per WEF guidelines. reports: American cattle rancher Shad Sullivan told The Epoch Times that he fears that the electronic tags will be the end of the small rancher.

“They are going to use it as a taxing mechanism to eventually control the livestock,” Mr. Sullivan said. “In the European Union, they used these measures under the guise of climate change lies to limit the cattle supply, and if they do that here, it will destroy our industry.

“If the tag mandate is implemented it will be the key to open the door to the gas chamber for independent ranchers.“

This is now how it works, folks. And part of the reason we live in a continuing crisis. It is easier for those who wish to determine what is best for us and they are not asking. They are telling.

– Vic