A15 Action Group

We were bitching generally about the fact that last Monday was a day of note, and it wasn’t because it was Tax Day. There was some distraction on that matter, since there appeared to be an imminent spike of activity in the Israeli response to the Iranian rocket strike over the weekend.

It is deeper and still a little mystifying. After the morning flurry of information exchange, we saw a short answer to one of the resulting questions hanging out there. The events of Monday- April 15- were coordinated across State and International borders. The signs and placards in dozens of American cities were professionally rendered and the participants all had a certain fashion commonality and hairstyles. So, who is this new gang?

Who is responsible for the coordinated inter-state highway and commercial disruptions? The overhead for travel, feeding and lodging for the demonstrators? We have observed the arrival of a series of them lately with similar if disparate goals. “BLM,” of course, and “Antifa,” a group with less melanin in their skin but more outrage agains the fascist they claim to be protesting.

We heard this morning. The “A15 Action Group.” is claiming credit for something that is already against the law- disrupting public transportation- but which should be made really against enhanced statutory enforcement.

Here is how some of the accompanying rhetoric sounded: “Pro-Palestinian activists in 30 cities across four continents disrupted the global economy on April 15 in an attempt to destroy the Jewish state.” The announcement came from the anonymous- or at least previously anonymous- A15 Action Group.

Like Antifa and BLM, the group may be unknown but the message is one of long standing. There is much more to learn about precisely to what the name refers. Is it the date? It was Tax Day here in the US, but that would seem to be of little interest on three other continents. This one seemed more a RICO-inspired demonstration designed to cause national disruption to travel, communications and the supply chains. The coordinated nature of the activity is clearly illegal under both federal and local statutes.

We doubtless will be hearing more about the “A5 Action” reference. But the question is, “Has the FBI been so weaponized that it is no longer capable of telling their official myths of “white and evangelical terror” and ignore what is happening in their laps?

It’s not clear who was behind the A15 initiative. The group’s public face is new. It only registered its website on March 22 with an anonymous email address hosted by a Swiss service provider that guarantees privacy. That is only another layer in the public public onion. Drilling down, we find an organization called th, Community Justice Exchange, a project of the antisemitic Tides Foundation. Funding for that group, like others devoted to “social justice” derives significant funding from billionaire George Soros’s Open Society Foundation. That group provides unattributed support to A15 Action’s “Bail & Legal Defense Fund.”

The thicket of organizations is intended to be interactionable. The Soros group has also been responsible for funding the election campaigns of District Attorneys across the land who are committed to non-prosecution of urban criminal activities.

Some pundits say that ‘A15’ may just be a rubric for a struggle larger than the anti-Israel movement. Mr. David Friedman is a former U.S. Ambassador to Israel, appointed by President Trump in 2016. He posted to X his opinion that “the planned April 15 riots had “nothing to do with Israel or the Palestinians since most of the protesters are entirely ignorant of those issues.”

So, we now have a national, professionally-funded and adaptive organization that claims the ability to conduct planned and coordinated operations across the country and the world. Will A15 become the next Antifa-syle radical organization, or is it just a Momentary manifestation of something larger?

I guess we will see.

Copyright 2024 Vic Socotra