Arrias and His Muse: Good Morning and Weather

Rain is Falling
Rain is falling, a constant tapping,
A flash of lightning splits the dark,
Thunder rumbles, shakes our house,
The dogs uneasy, answer with a single bark.
Holy Thursday in the Dismal Swamp,
A good friend and true under the knife,
Bypass surgery never routine,
A prayer – Dear God, safeguard his life.
Still the rain comes down, a soggy earth,
The sky is dark and drear,
Green giants out back all wrapped in mist,
In the darkness runs another deer.
Another flash, another rumble,
The rain has eased a bit,
A few minutes quiet, the dogs still alert,
Ere the next squall does hit.
And so we sit in the dark and worry,
Another prayer for a friend,
Guide the surgeon Lord, steady hand and eye,
But in the end on thee we depend.

Copyright 2024 Arrias