The Moon’s a Balloon

Spirit in the New Year!
Are we toasting non-toasting or vice versa?

We were going to do something like this and have it all tidy and ready to go when Sunday slides start smirking down into the Western Sky to brighten the other side of things that fly with such determination over our gentle world. Well, you can see the problem. Our world is lovely and at times demure, but always eager to provide

So, that is five or six things that aren’t true but seem to be leaning with equal enthusiasm toward Seven Corners out on the Big Road. We call that in just one word: “West.” We have gone that direction have thought about the number of resolutions we ought to jot down, just to keep a sort of equilibrium on this amazing time of transition. The medical staff in both wound-care and cardiology have their own lists, the most prominent item being something about “tobacco,” which they seem to prefer to be spelled as being ‘smaking.’ We are forthrightly opposed to that.

We have been waiting around for quite a while on that, but we were good sports, you know? Being nice can help get you up the ladder, at least at the start, but there is a lot more that goes with the clambering upward. Remember how strange it was? The Air and Space Forces were tight lipped about the whole thing, stated from the podium that the device was not collecting anything in particular, and would get around to shooting the thing down once it was over the territorial waters of South Carolina and unlikely to be found by civilians.

Word this evening was a little different, but that is how truth grows up in our little town. The shoot-down occurred on 04 February, 2023, and debris from the wreckage was recovered and sent to Quantico’s FBI Laboratory for analysis. Due to the sensitivity of the material involved, Bureau Personnel have put this on the top of the pile of odd things. We are assured the satellite parts are is in secure storage along with some assorted family computers for detailed examination We think they may find something in the piles of junk, since the burbling words seemed to claim that the balloon data recording equipment was equipped for high-speed transfer, which is say we permitted the operation to proceed as planned without direct response for a week or more.

That was one of the afternoon topics- not the only one- but certainly of interest to anyone interested in the transcripts of the tapes copied from the routine operations of our strategic nuclear reserve. We used to consider these things like bad table-manners. Given the way the world is wobbling, it might be a little more serious. Thankfully, this does not appear to be a skyrocket going to the Supreme Court. But the way things are going is raising eyebrows, since with some candidates being thrown off the ballot, and essentially out of Next Year’s General Election.

We naturally will be following that as closely as we can, but we are in a bit of a tough place. Splash is our Logistician and he claims we will be “good to go” just as soon as he can copy all that data to iCloud so he can do some detailed forensic analysis to see what the Chinese are going to be looking for next?

Copyright 2023 Vic Socotra