Living and Dining

(The decor? Joel owned the place for nearly twenty years. He used it as the executive suite for his business, suitable for hosting guests for as many days as the business took. He is a Texan by birth, and the place exudes a certain ‘oughties look. In fact, it looks a little like the Willow did when it was still open).

Minor momentum on The Move. The Russian Lady who manages the rental unit we let go in order to address medial challenges here at Big Pink. This is the view from the reclining chairs in what we call the “Living Room” of the new place on the first floor. The perspective is over the Bar area looking into the Dining Room. There is a window over there, a unique footing to the two-bedroom unit we purchased. The end-units are unique in having the windows to daylight rather than solid walls to keep the neighbors out.

Or in, as the case may be.

We do not know if former President Trump will be arrested later today, so we will stand by on that aspect of the Continuing Crisis. We don’t quite know what that all means. It would seem to be a change to the way our country works, filling out arrest warrants on predecessors in the Oval Office. Not that we wouldn’t have been in favor of the change, depending on which replacements we are discussing. But if it turns out we can just do all the legal stuff right here at home it would save a lot of time.

The rest of it is a big deal with a great many moving parts. A “historic moment,” if you will. The replacement of the PetroDollar as world currency is just one of those sorts of details. We will pay our part of it as it comes due. In San Francisco, they are talking about Reparations, taking from those who committed no sin and giving to those who were not alive to be wronged. It will just play out the way it will, all of the various equities satisfied.

Our version of the Great ReSet will be a little easier here at home. After all, what could go wrong? This has all been set in motion by much wiser folks than we are. At least we have a dining room now, and that is a decent place to start! We fully intend to both live and dine right here!

Copyright 2023 Vic Socotra