Point Loma: Mob Rule

Point Loma: Mob Rule
Editor’s Note: As many of you unfortunately are aware, I have been doing a weekly account of events in our amazing year of 2020. It has been quite a ride. I hope you can you tune these things out, as I often want to do. I have pals though who are used to analytic and critical thinking in situations and courses of action that have direct relation to personal or national disasters. In this essay here are raw terms of language used, but presented as Point Loma’s take on what is going on.This is the most dramatic street theater seen in a century.
– Vic

Author’s Note – I recently wrote a piece quoting Mark Twain who [allegedly] said that history may not repeat itself but it sure does rhyme. If that is true, then we are in for one hell of a ride as Vic is already warning us of – in his own unique colloquial way from the comfort of Refuge Farm. Those of us who live in or at least within reasonable proximity to the Imperial City and other urban environs need to be thinking about what mob rule really means. Me? I’m not waiting around for their vote on my family’s fate without my input since cops and lawyers may be an afterthought once they get around to sorting out the smoking carnage. So I have my own plan with options – just saying.
– Point Loma

Mob Rule

John Adams Under Fire

I just finished this book, and it is remarkable for what it says about what happened then, and what is happening now – the similarities are almost, hell they are eerie. John Adams, yes that guy who signed the Declaration of Independence and was later President, stood up for the rule of [then] English law in 1770, six years before the American Revolution, and won acquittal as the defense attorney in the trials of the British officer (Captain Thomas Preston) and the eight enlisted men charged in the shootings of what became later known as a burning cause celebré, the flames of which were fanned by the New World’s Colonial media, as the Boston Massacre – sound familiar?

But wait, there’s more – the first victim was a black (more or less – then termed as a “mulatto”) supposed former slave or mixed breed Indian and stevedore who first attacked the sentry at the Boston Customs House, and was shot twice for his aggression. He then went by the name of Michael Johnson, but is now better known to history as Crispus Attucks – and now by legend the first American to die in the War for Independence which was already brewing, even before the Tea Party.

Sound like anybody we know – like George Floyd, Jr.? And speaking of brewers, there were other characters involved like Samuel Adams, who was one of the chief instigators of rebellion, Paul Revere who did a little more than just polish silver and ride his horse to Lexington and Concord one fine July night, and John Hancock, who signed his name to the Declaration large enough that King George wouldn’t need reading glasses to know who he was. You’ve got to remember that up until that point, the collective “we” were all Brits, subjects of the King, and in many instances, either related or well known, to even society and long-time family friends.

Like all of the bullshit that surrounds the latest protests, the Boston Massacre took place after dark, at night, and in that instance under a full moon. But the only other lighting on King Street in Boston was provided by whale oil gas lamps carried by the constables and town criers, and torches by the mob.

There were no high-pixel fidelity recording video cell phones to capture the action, just the faded and jaded memories of the witnesse
s, the upset and tumult of it all. What was interesting was the tactic they chose to get people out of the houses and on the street. That effective method was to ring fire alarm bells.
In the middle of the fray was a mysterious “tall man wearing red,” directing the actions of the citizenry against the Brit defenders of their public buildings, who many believed to be either Samuel Adams or John Hancock; whose exact identity was never confirmed and now lost to history – BTW, has anybody seen George Soros lately? No mistaking that short shit for a tall man.

Crispus Attucks at the Boston Massacre

The case itself was one of the longest (at that time) in modern English judicial history; involving the testimony of many witnesses. John Adams took a lot of heat for defending the accused, but in doing so he was guided by his own beliefs and convictions that, if America was going to survive as an independent country one day, then the rule of law, due process, presumption of innocence, and the inherent, God-given right to self-defense should be paramount, and that men were obliged to protect their own lives in the face of a ravening mob.
He succeeded. For 250 years, his vision of no mob rule, proper jurisprudence, and that the actions of that court resonated. Well, so far so good, but there are a lot of people out there now that are in a headlong rush for judgement at every perceived transgression, and it would advantage the former VP and his running mate to maybe take a turn at this book to remind themselves that there are bigger things than playing to the mob.

Once you do that, they will never be satisfied and always want more – it is the proverbial slippery slope. But, if you live with Secret Service protection or its equivalent behind locked gates with bad-ass armed dudes out front, then who cares? What the lib fuck-tards want us to be is afraid – afraid of the mob, the loss of our lives, wealth, and well-being, but telling us not to worry while they take away our guns and rights to self-defense that John Adams argued so strenuously for, and they have the answers – which is to make everyone dependent on the government for everything.

Well, I’ve got an answer for that – we do care, but if you don’t care enough or trust in the government for your protection, then you are a fool. It’s heartening to see that a lot of our fellow citizens have jumped on the clue bus – go to your local gun shop and the handgun selection is pretty sparse – they can’t make them fast enough. And then try to find some ammunition – yeah, it may get a little sporty.

The Mob – or Just another Campout in Downtown Portland?

So, what we are seeing playing out today is nothing new, just the latest variation on an old theme and reflective of classic insurgency tactics so well played out back in the 1770s, and as recently defined by Saul Allinsky, Mao, Fidel, Che, etc. However, it may lead to even more radical changes and challenges to our lives than those already wrought by COVID-19, to include a new administration steeped in this ideology. Well those of you out there who are on board with that idea, you also need to wake up to reality. Donald Trump will still be President on November 8th, and there is a lot can happen in that 10 weeks of interregnum.

First, don’t be expecting a miracle vaccine for COVID-19 to suddenly appear, or for unemployment to
be eliminated and lost jobs to magically re-appear as the Liberal utopians install themselves in power. In fact, I predict just the opposite, and I’m afraid that the mob is not going to be very patient for a new administration – au contraire. As I said before, once you give into the beast and give it some dog food, then it will never be satisfied. You can see that already when the liberal fuck-tard mayors of what used to be nice cities like Portland and Seattle try to court favor with them, and are treated with the same abuse as any conservative civic leader – you’ve already lost control. And since you’ve already abandoned any sense of law-and-order, then by all means permit looting and riotous behavior as a diversion to buy time and even encouraging it by refusing to uphold the law and notions of public good order and discipline by letting them loose on whomever and wherever, even in the suburbs. If not, then you’ve got to start taking draconian action because now they are a threat to you, and therefore, no longer useful or needed. This will include lots of law enforcement and probably the killing of both the innocents and the guilty who don’t get jiggy with the game courtesy of DHS, the National Guard, and police to restore some semblance of social order. It will make the Kent State Massacre look like just another late summer family picnic at the Ohio State Fair.

And it’s not just the poor and down-trodden who are leading the charge. Here’s a great example of what the liberal attitudes, and the molly-coddled and Marxist-Socialist indoctrinated education of their precious off-spring render unto society with the munificence of their parent’s money:


The Seven “Comrades” of New York

My friend who dug this up and sent it out to our small bad-attitude collective remarked: “These are our adversaries. Somehow, they do not strike fear into the hearts of [real] men; I like the fierce scowls, however.”

I, of course, had more to say: “They look like the fuck-stick friends of Charlie Manson, right down to the ginger-haired version of Lynette “Squeaky” Fromme (Clara Kraebber, upper left). I have to admit that I liked the happy ending of “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood” the way that Quentin, Brad, and Leonardo engineered it better than what is now recorded in history as the manifestation of “Helter Skelter.”[1]

They also remind me of the Third Generation of the Baader-Meinhof Group of domestic would-be terrorist dipshits in the Germany of the 1980s – most all of them were children of privilege, Deutsch-style. They did manage to kill and wound several prominent Germans and a few servicemen, including at attempt to assassinate then SACEUR GEN Alexander Haig and the infamous bombings of the O’Club in Heidelberg, and later the Exchange at Rhein-Main when I was over there, before they all wound up in Stammheim Prison in a high-security wing built especially for them. They tried to look like bad asses, too, akin to this weak collection of punk white trash.”
I remain your faithful servant.

[1] This is sort of not funny. The Helter Skelter scenario was a theory put forth by Vincent Bugliosi, lead prosecutor in the Tate–LaBianca murder trial, to explain the series of murders committed by the Manson Family. According only to Bugliosi’s theory, Charles Manson often spoke to the members of his “family” about “Helter Skelter” in the months leading up to the murders of Sharon Tate and Leno and Rosemary LaBianca in August 1969, as an apocalyptic war arising from racial tensions between blacks and whites. Source Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helter_Skelter_(scenario)

Copyright 2020 Point Loma

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