Life & Island Times: Red Death – Conclusion Chapter Sixteen


Cable news network talking heads world-wide were gumming the new operational NORK strategic submarine news to death. The story was wildly morphing hour by hour. Marlow’s mouth hung agape when he saw the ROK Naval intelligence photos he had only seen yesterday morning.

No one had yet chosen to consider whether the participants were playing a cooperative “Great Game” instead. It was well after 6 PM when announcers broke in with the news that American cruise missiles had surgically struck and destroyed the sub. In response, POTUS announced that the NORK’s Supreme Leader had directly collect-called him, whereupon they struck a deal to engage in peace talks, to open borders, and to completely de-nuke the Peninsula in exchange for $100B in annual support from the big five nations. As the clock ticked towards midnight, Chinese news programs crowed over Premier Xi’s direct involvement and proffered solutions. POTUS’s Oval Office address mentioned the contributions of Naval Intelligence.

Marlow toasted to no one in particular that this Asian game had been played, as subtly as any nineteenth century British Premier would have back in the day.

He reported to work the next day to find himself promoted to ROW&ON Section Chief. Without being told. he understood that he would take his story to the grave. He had previously thought he had real expertise in spotting a career opportunity and grabbing it. He now knew that he didn’t have a clue and likely never would.

The End

Editor’s Note: the complete “Red Death” saga of Naval Intelligence analysis will be posted on the Vic Socotra Website at the novellas tab…happy reading and hope you enjoyed it as much as Marlow did writing it!

– Vic

Copyright 2017 My Isle Seat
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