As you know, The Daily strives to keep to the high road, and trying to unravel the nature of the games that pretty smart people have invented to keep electorate from taking to the street and rioting over the gross mismanagement of public affairs. It is getting harder and harder.

I could talk about the Consumer Price Index, or the unemployment numbers, or just about anything else the government tells us, to include what the DoJ or the IC is up to on any given day.

I was off on a Hillary Safari this morning, analyzing why she has not been unceremoniously dumped as the Democrat front-runner. I think it may have something to do with her gender (which is actually the wrong term, since that takes us into Chelsea Manning territory, and Mrs. Clinton is reportedly an authentic GG female).

The topic was leadership. Certainly women can lead modern industrial states decisively and with great talent- there is no question of that, whether you are speaking of Golda Meir, Margaret Thatcher or Indira Gandhi.

But as for Mrs. Clinton, in the long tortured annals of her public service the one time she actually had a time in which to demonstrate leadership- the night Ambassador Chris Stevens was murdered and one of her consulates was under attack for seven hours- she did not.

We don’t know where she was, any more than we know where the President was. She should be the subject of public ridicule- and perhaps not surprisingly, she is not. Beats me.

Of course, there is no question she can be decisive. Remember how she beat the police into Vince Foster’s office to remove his files that dealt with the various Clinton scandals? I still wonder where Vince shot himself. I am not sure it was at Fort Marcy, or even that he did the deed himself. But that was a long time ago and at this distance, what does it matter?

I heard that somewhere, and it has a certain ring.

There are other things that fill me with dread, and it is one of those things that is taboo to talk about. I should keep to the high road and ignore it, like the Mainstream Media, but this has been bugging me since NBC altered the 911 tapes of the Trayvon Martin shooting, and it did not get better after the verdict was revealed.

It actually looked like someone was deliberately stirring up trouble over an incident in which two lives were forever altered, one of them permanently.

At Willow last night, Old Jim was incensed about the shooting of Australian baseball player Chris Lane in Oklahoma. Jim has been a Democrat all his life, except for running for the Mayor’s office in DC as a Republican, which is a story unto itself. He declared himself without politics yesterday, and beyond understanding how the country has come to be what it is.

I had not heard much about the case, just that someone had been shot in Oklahoma, which is hardly unprecedented. Two youths were accused in the shooting, with a third driving the car used to chase down Mr. Lane so he could be shot in the back.

That is how the story was reported, anyway, originally without reference to the racial composition of the four involved: the dead white guy, the two African American teenage thugs, and the ambivalently ethnic kid who drove the car. As you know, the style guide for most American media dictates that the racial origin of figures in the news should not be reported unless it is directly relevant to the story.
lane and killers

In this case it seemed to be, which is why it was puzzling that it did not lead the story, once the history of James Edwards and Chancey Luna was revealed.

The tweets are pretty impressive.

Jim was nearly apoplectic. “Where are Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton,” he sputtered. “Damn!” he quickly ordered another Bud to help him calm down, and I took a pensive sip of Happy Hour White.

I did some research and was not only saddened but appalled. Everything that is wrong in America writ large, and in racial relations specifically is summed up in the tweets and images collected by the Herald Sun of Australia, which is recommending that Aussie tourists stay the hell out of America.

http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/selfies-of-the-accused-teen-thrillkillers-of-melbourne-baseballer-chris-lane/story-e6frf7jo-1226701238114 <http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/selfies-of-the-accused-teen-thrillkillers-of-melbourne-baseballer-chris-lane/story-e6frf7jo-1226701238114>

In looking for the text of the tweets- I stumbled on an apologist at MSNBC who tried to make this about guns and not racist thug-ism- but I will let the link above summarize what we have come to in this nation.

Hello there, fellow Peckerwoods and Crackers. According to Mr. Edwards, 90% of Caucasians fall into those categories, and we are evil.

He also boasted of whacking “woods” five times since the Zimmerman verdict, so as one of the prospective candidates, naturally I viewed the tweet with interest.

I puzzled through all that, and then was turning to something else when I was forwarded the story of Mr. Ayo Kimathi, the DHS Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) manager in charge of buying weapons and ammunition for the government.

It was sort of strange. With the permission of his supervisors, he also operates a website called “War on the Horizon,” which he explained was established to sell concert tickets and lecture videos.

The site is also home to commentary that slanders homosexuals and incidentally advocates the mass murder of “whites” and the “ethnic cleansing” of “Uncle Tom race traitors,” according to the Southern Poverty Law Center. As you know, the Center is famous for tracking white supremacist groups (of which there are many). President Obama is on his list of traitors, by the way.

Ayo Kimathi, who calls himself the “Irritated Genie,” told his supervisors that the website was set up to sell concert and lecture videos.

But the report from the reliably left-leaning SPLC showed the site’s content strayed far beyond concert promotion, warning about a coming race war.

On the site, Mr. Kimathi declares that, “in order for Black people to survive the 21st century, we are going to have to kill a lot of whites – more than our Christian hearts can possibly count.”

Goodness. In any other scenario, Mr. Kimathi would be on unpaid leave (unlike Louise Lerner of the IRS, who is getting paid) and on the way to dismissal. The leadership at ICE is reportedly looking into the matter.

Perhaps they will note that “Kimathi” was also a name in the news in the last century- Dedan Kimathi Waciuri was a leader of the Mau Mau revolt against the British colonial government in Kenya in the 1950s. Could that have been a tip-off?

Anyway, here we are in post racial America. How is it working out for you? WTF?

Copyright 2013 Vic Socotra
Twitter: @jayare303

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