

There is so much going on that I can barely whack myself into bewilderment with the National and International Issues at hand. I am tempted to join the Syrian Resistance, though since they are Sunni fanatics that might not work out so well. Considering the Shia alternative it might not be a particularly good career move, now that we know about the games the US Government plays with Big Data.

I mean, which bunch of extremists can you trust?

Case in point: I can’t keep track of the grammatical parsing of what passes for sworn testimony up on the Hill, either. I think we are back to attempting to determine what the meaning of “is,” “is,” with AG Eric Holder, and I think it is about time to audition for a new Top Lawman, even if this one is really good friends with Valerie Jarrett.

I am more concerned with the meteorological effects of the winds and dryness out west, where many were calling the newsrooms and posting on Facebook about the smoke that has blanketed much of Southern Colorado. I think folks are feeling bracketed by the Black Forest Fire north of the Springs and the one burning now in Walsenburg, southwest of Pueblo.

Shoot, I was just in Pueblo the other day, and it was pleasant- but dry.

There is another fire going in Jefferson County, west of Denver, and it just means this is going to be a tense long summer waiting to see if the lightning- or some whacko- sets a fire.

Here is how nuts things are. I rolled back into town yesterday from the farm on a pleasant ride yesterday to find a battery of requests to tour my palatial unit. It was a good day to hole up at the office and get stuff done. At some point in the afternoon, one Agent handed my agent an offer to buy at my asking price.

He stopped by this morning. As of about ten minutes ago, I have a ratified contract. I have no idea where I am going to go, of course, since no plan survives first contact with the enemy. I will have a little more than a month to figure that out, should this all go the way it appears.

I am suspicious, naturally, and a ratified contract is only one step on the way to an executed and final agreement. There is the appraisal and the home inspection to get through, and negotiations will continue, I imagine.

But it could be a lot worse. I could be negotiating with the Taliban, after all. But if we had a ratified contract with them, I am sure we could rely upon it.

Copyright 2013 Vic Socotra

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