Corn Dogs and the Court


I heard my pal Joanie on the radio this morning, talking about the big Supreme Court decisions yesterday. She has been a point person for same-sex couples since she got out of the Navy, and I am happy for her and her partner.

I was in the Panzer when I heard the recap of the decisions that will conclude this Supreme Court Session, and let everyone get ready to go to the State Fair. I was, as usual, snagged in traffic in that awful stretch of I-66 outside the Beltway.

The decisions are completely in line with my views, which is to say that the Feds have no business picking winners and losers in the marital world, and if a couple decides to entangle themselves in the institution of marriage, there ought to be equal protection under the Constitution.


I was more concerned with the decisions that did not get the full attention of National Public Radio, which was the ruling that suggests local governments may have to compensate landowners who are denied permits to develop their land. There are an ominous number of real estate parcels for sale near Refuge Farm, and this could mean more strip malls in the green rolling hills.

What with the GDP being adjusted down again, maybe I can wait that one out. There are other things going on that got my attention in arcing between being a city mouse and a country mouse.

It is peaceful in the country, a little humid, but that keeps the fire danger down and I am thankful for that after what I saw in Colorado last week, with the flames licking everything with their ravenous tongues. There are some things for which to be thankful.

So, back in town for some critical meetings, I was happy that the rains were holding off and thought I might walk over to Willow for a change.

There I saw something I never thought I would see, and I am not sure what our pal Mac would have thought. Maybe commented on the Iowa State Fair and when they started deep-frying everything under the sun.

Old Jim and Jon-without-an-H were in their usual places at the Amen Corner, and the Lovely Bea and placid lovely Jamie drifted in as the shadows lengthened. Jamie was in a particularly upbeat mood, since she had flown back from her consulting gig up North in order to take a mandatory company training course on Business Development.

You know, that is the sort of crap the companies inflict on hapless employees to focus them on opportunities to shape the customer’s perceptions and Grow the Business. It is complex, and includes crucial items like how to sit at the conference table to the best advantage.

I was deeply sympathetic- I had just taken the mandatory course on ethics in a lull between conference calls. My approach is to dis-enable the video and sound and take the course for speed. I got a 92%, which covers all my ethics for the year.

As it turned out, Jamie had successfully completed the workshop on the last go-around and she got four hours of her life back. We all celebrated, and as Jim was ordering his usual Tuna Slider, no tartar sauce just the red hot sauce and a spoon and don’t forget the grilled tomato, noticed there was something new on the menu.


Corn Dogs.

“What on earth?” asked Jon-without. “Is this a trip to the State Fair?”

Owner and executive chef Tracy O’Grady came out from the kitchen to explain. The designer griller who did the patio event last Friday had left-over vegan hot dogs, and Tracy decided to get with the summer spirit.

Corn-dogs: rich, and deeply golden.

Damn. I want to go to the State Fair.


Copyright 2013 Vic Socotra

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