End of Summer


Yeah, another nuclear test from the NORKs, and warning of another atomic conflict, but they shouldn’t do the demonstration over Labor Day. It is wasting time. It is like they don’t get the news cycle and the popular attention span here in America.

Let’s concentrate on things that matter. Yeah, I know summer doesn’t officially end for a while, but come on. School started last week here, and we already went to the Walmart to get ready. It is toe-tagged as a season.

But at the end, it was a Total Pool Day yesterday, last one of the regular season. Everyone was there, all the usual suspects. I was in the water three times, the first time for a full sixty minutes with my audiobook and cardio health, and a bonus of another hour in pieces with the other usual suspects, ending up on the patio, which I found in disarray this morning, almost as if I had not been in complete control last night.

Oh well, summer is over. Marlow commented succinctly on what Hurricane Irma could be bringing us in the next week. Although the Board gave us two more weekends with the pool, I am not confident Mother Gaea wlll let us have them, nor we can find Americans to staff the pool now that the Poles have gone home.

Time to get back to the farm. But that water looks so good this afternoon, I am tempted to break in….and I know how…more on that later…

Copyright 2017 Vic Socotra

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