Postcard From The Swamp #12

Events near and far shaped a week that contained despair and inspiration- and contained news that increasingly seems to come from the satiric site The Onion rather than real news organizations. The breathless account of the First Lady of the United States (FLOTUS- says so on her ball-cap) and her choice of footwear seemed to overshadow the North Korean launch of an intermediate-range ballistic missile (and three failed shorter range rockets) was in turn drowned in the news of Hurricane Harvey, which dumped an astonishing 50-inches of rain on parts of Gulf Coast Texas.

He is moving again, east and north, and the thoughts and prayers of all of us at The Daily go out to the people of Texas and Louisiana. I was pinned down with our own showers here in DC, and the resulting cancellation of one of the remaining precious pool days, and got sucked into watching the reporting from Houston. It made me proud to be an American and awed at the force of nature. Then I had to do the Swamp Slide. Every time I think it can’t get any more nuts in my adopted home town, events prove me wrong.

– Vic


Copyright 2017 Vic Socotra

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