Weather Report: Let the Games Begin!

So, here we are in the New Year! Morning, Gentle Readers!

As usual, all sorts of activity going on in our madly spinning world.

The actual election year is starting here, and will be the loudest noise through the year. Apparently the MSM has been summoned to the President’s re-election team to be briefed on the many accomplishments of the administration and to report the news that well. Overseas, we can be thankful we are not in the chill mud as both UKR and RU raise their drafter ages to keep feeding young men into the fight.

One signal about how this year s going to play out was the presence of hecklers at the President’s remarks down in South Carolina. We can expect some gyrations in that, and possibly Mr. Biden’s step down from the ticket was we get a little closer. Problem is “Who is next?”

This is only awakening now, but stand by. this will be a busy year. Good news is we at east will have a budget!


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