Dis-United Nations

Author’s Note: The Legal section was in more of an uproar than usual this morning. They approved the Disclaimer, then told us we had to run it. That apparently is how the Law works!

– Vic

“The opinions expressed by contributors are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of Socotra House Publications and its various subsidiaries. We accept no responsibility for louder voices in other Communities, since we are blameless and compliant with all known or easily suborned statutes. Management is fully committed to full compliance with added anti-defamation proceedings and no mention of any official cited in Uniform Code of Military Justice Article 88.”

We had a poem this morning written by Arrias. We enjoyed it, since it sampled the attempt to keep both ends of our collective rope dry and on the boat. There is more, of course. Since we are a compliant collective, we had a round of laughter at the image above. Splash found it as part of the UN discussion, which is one of what we think are three wars and two regional crises.

The one that had people worked up was the UN scandal of the morning. The United States not only hosts the UN headquarters building on Turtle Bay in New York City, but also pays a major portion of the operating budget for all the offices in the UN structure. There has been controversy about some activities all through the organization’s history. The phrase emblazoned above could have been erected by the John Birch Society.

This was the first reference to that right-wing organization we had heard in twenty years. The conflict in Gaza merited dispatch of UN troops to “keep order” and provide “special services.” This organization was good at that since the news of the morning focused on the UN’s relief agency for Palestinians (UNRWA). It was also revealed that UNRWA members participated in the unprovoked attack on Israel.

That exceeds the charter authorized in the General Assembly, but that is common with UN-led operations that sometimes come off the rails. What else would you expect from an organization in which Iran sits as Chair of the organization’s Human Rights Forum.

It is challenging to think of anything more incongruous than the Mullahs allegedly providing anything except current violence. So, there is that. The one before that was the strange behavior of the World Health Organization during the Pandemic. The public health pronouncements of the WHO seemed to intrude rather effectively on individual state control, and many nations dropped into obedience.

We all are tired of people racing about, filled with a vibrant energy more powerful than fossil fuels.

Accordingly, we will turn our attention to the variety of things that could occur, and we should remember some of them include weapons of mass destruction. We are living with post-proliferation these days, and do not know if Iran has the capability to produce a dozen atomic weapons. Around the world, the Current Kim in Korea has also been brandishing his rockets, so beyond the Ukraine, Gaza and Red Sea kinetic events, we could have something dramatic coming in Asia.

And soon. We are not going to be putting up any signs on the patio urging anything except a deep breath and a determination to try to live in peace. At the UN, we have the Iranians committed to protecting our natural rights. Right in New York. Convenience is key to crisis today!

Copyright 2024 Vic Socotra