Moving Downslope

It was a nearly successful move downslope yesterday. You can see there are a few things left to be moved around in the new unit. There are plenty of boxes, many of them full, and the Latinx crew who arrived in a timely manner to ask us not to use the “x” thing at the end. They are proud to be “o’s” and don’t need us Anglos to help out with their native tongue.

In fact, they would kind of like us to stay out of their affairs as a matter of cultural appropriation. We took that as a small amount of appropriation, or pequeña cantidad, and did the best we could. Some of the boxes slid downhill neatly on the stairs while others were a little more awkward. The mass of goods moved up from The Farm all seemed to have arrived, though it will take another trip up-slope to check and see if anything evaded scrutiny on the last confused pass yesterday. Were the steel hangings from Haiti still on the wall in the first bathroom?

We swiftly transitioned from husky young men hauling sofas and chairs to the matter of FIOS, or Fiber Optic Service. We have generally applauded performance of the fiberoptic line in comparison with COMCAST, the bane of modern communications, but this one only lasted a few hours after the installation tech arrived, drilled some holes in the wall, routed a thin white cable around the top of many of the standing walls in the new unit.

And then the system- or the “router” or some box failed around bed time.

They may have another technician available to call tomorrow. We hope so, since this was supposed to be an announcement of further triumphs in moving. We will give you a partial on that one, and see if any of the boxes move themselves today!

Copyright 2023 Vic Socotra