
(This ad accurately reflects the “pros” and “cons” of “survival,” either way. Remember Civil Defense?)

Seasonably cool and grey this morning in Virginia. A look at the information streams flowing off the flat-screen showed sharp dichotomies on what we are supposed to believe, several of them with potential consequences. Socotra House is an alert organization much of the time the sun is in the sky. The Chairman sent a memo- rather, a text that serves that purpose- that read “FCS keep it upbeat.”

There was a pause in conversation as the group attempted to map a strategy in which expressing support could still be tempered with the realization that there are likely to be fundamental mistakes made in a social transition driven by urgency. We took a poll, the casual kind including use of all digits, and decided to concentrate on issues in which human spiritual universality could best be expressed.

We tried the conceptual side. What is funny about a society in the midst of profound change? We just did something like it in 2008. Kind of a trial run at public policy with personal impact. We don’t recall exactly how that started- a Red Lines crisis? The response was a Federal policy regarding suitability of loans. It got a little out of control and crashed real estate business world-wide. Whatever they have cooked up in the latest wild spending schemes surely will have an impact larger than what we called the Great Recession. So there we are with a backdrop of a ground war in Europe and the uncertainties of dealing with the leaders of China, Korea and Iran.

We try to maintain a grip on the information streams supporting all the curious events. One of the networks- needn’t say which one- was running a segment on a theme: “What’s in your Doomsday Bag?” That provoked some laughter, and despite the theme, it brought back memories of when our schools were integrated into civil defense. We shared some fading recollections of being hunched under our little school desks, and drills in darkened hallways pressed against the cold thick walls.

“Now, we are doing a corporate transition in a time of dramatic social change. The Chairman is attempting to unravel his old plan- there ought to be something humorous about that.”

“You have got a point. The idea of having a place out in the country made a lot of sense after the 9/11 horror. Some decent long-term food and material supplies. Defendable to a degree. Good neighbors. It was a good plan until we heard him cursing after walking outside just to have a smoke.”

“There may be another outflow of people who don’t want to deal with unpleasantness.” There some nods, remembering when Management relocated to the country . “And the subtle country difference in perspective.”

“I remember when they had to sell the classic pick-up truck. A neighbor heard we needed it moved and was there to help with his truck and his time.”

We don’t remember Arlington working quite the same way. There are enhancements: there will only be three concrete steps between the level of the parking lot and the level of the patio on the new unit. Life determines new priorities for prepping, you know?

Copyright 2023 Vic Socotra