Swamp Postcard: Election Home Stretch?


I don’t know how your dinner table is doing this week. Mine is filled with mutterings and amazement. The good news is that some sort of resolution to this garish display of national disunity may be coming in less than two weeks. The bad news is that may not be true, and this national litmus test will stagger on for another month. Or two. That is just another in the panoply of amazements this improbable year.

The furor over the SCOTUS nomination seems justified. The Supremes tied 4-4 on a ruling on how late mail-in ballots can be counted, which means the judgement of lower courts stands- the stakes are higher than one could have imagined just weeks ago. And the weeks of uncertainty seem to beckon into an indeterminate vista.

Me? I am having a fun bout with oral surgery tomorrow, and the prospect has added a certain surreal ambiguity to the whole enterprise. If an informed observer had predicted this showdown five years ago, when a certain win by the former First Lady seemed assured, I would have laughed. Now, the only certain hilarity will probably come with the anesthetic in the dental chair.

There will be more hysterics to come. The political ads promise chaos if the wrong candidate is selected by whoever manages to acquire the most votes by whatever process is used. There will be unhappiness for a lot of Americans. That is the only prediction I am willing to make at this point. But stay with us. This is Swamp Politics played at a historic level, and something to be savored as we surf down the brown-colored Potomac.

Having a wonderful time. Wish you were here!

Copyright 2020 Vic Socotra

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