Swamp Postcard: COVID!!!

The crisis of the week- allegedly a real one- has knocked the crisis-a-day campaign off kilter. The President popped positive for the dread disease, spent a weekend at Walter Reed, and is back at work today. That is inconvenient for the narrative, and there is some scrambling in the background to make the narrative of doom make sense. People out in the country are nice enough to ask if we insist on visitors to the farm being masked up. We are maintaining the same crisis management tactics that have worked so far. “Keep your distance, avoid crowds, and accommodate whatever derangements we are urged to follow.”

That is inconvenient to the story tellers. We were supposed to be thinking about the aftermath of the President’s debate against Mr. Biden and the moderator from Fox, and then about the Catholic extremist nominated to the Supreme Court. She seemed to be nice, and forces were immediately lining up to destroy her in the Senate hearings right after the Vice Presidential debate destroys the current VP, Mr. Pence.

I don’t know what was planned to be the next installment of the October information campaign on that side, though the below tweet from the Governor of California might be a clue. The President’s campaign responded with the determination that the whole breathless Russia collusion campaign that has (so far) spanned five years was, charitably, a fraud designed to distract us from the Clinton campaign’s adventure in destroying 33,000 government emails from the candidate’s time as Secretary of State.

This is fantastic theater! Glad you were along to follow this historic adventure. But remember, put your mask on between bites at dinner.

Having a wonderful time. Wish you were here!

Copyright 2020 Vic Socotra

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