Point Loma: All American Favorites

Editor’s Note: This is from Point Loma on his sense of today’s world. There are a couple “F-bombs,” contained, so beware. He tells me his goal is to convey the actual language spoken by the people who lived the experience. I enjoy his stories because they feel like I had just walked down a long windowless passageway in a steel ship and turned through a watertight door into the Ready Room. Ready for action.
– Vic

Author’s Note: This phrase came to me for some reason in a dream last night. I woke up determined to remember it. Building on my idea of calling out future denizens of the Snake Farm by name, reputation, deed or misdeed, I like the idea of some ambiguity as in – “what the fuck did he really mean by that?” Its akin to my older concept of a non-profit charity web site (credit card donations accepted and welcomed!) that I want to call “Islamic Victims of America” – think about it. If CAIR can do it, then why not me? So, my idea of anti-American favorites cuts both ways, and I can deny bias – just pointing out the facts, Ma’am. So, we will go with setting the table and what their tactics are – pure Marxist-Leninist-Stalinist, with hints of Mao and Che thrown in just to spice things up. Down deep, the intent is the same – which is to fool the unsuspecting into willingly handing over their rights and hard-earned treasure in the name of some “greater good” only to suddenly wake up one day and realized that they have been enslaved. That will be a day.
Anti-American Favorites

Thomas Jefferson – Founding Father in So Many Ways

Bet you weren’t expecting this man as a lead-off hitter. As ludicrous as it may seem, the PC crowd is trying hard to portray him as all that is wrong about America today, and why we need to rip up, tear out and topple our history and monuments. Okay, he owned slaves, and fucked the best-looking one – he was a real man after all. For JC’s sake, this is now going on almost 250 years ago, and while we in our smugness “know” what was going on then, that is pure bullshit. We don’t have a clue of what these men dealt with while living their complicated lives while fomenting the American Revolution, so shut the fuck up. Here’s an example – if you wanted to travel from Charlottesville to Philly today, it might take you 4-5 hours in your Bimmer, stopping off for Burger King along the way. That same trip in a covered horse-drawn wagon back then was probably a week with overnight stays in tents or roadhouses not paid for by your personal PAC or George Soros, so think about it you molly-coddled baby-faced fools. A man can do a lot of reading and writing in that time and not worrying about his likes on Facebook or the latest YouTube and Twitter screeds – a time for quality thought. Those men, and yes they were all white, no females allowed, were there for a serious reason, and the work they did there still resonates as clear as the ringing of the Liberty Bell in the wind blown forsaken canyons of our national mind. I guaran-goddam-tee you that neither Trump or Biden could hold a candle to this man in a debate, if they were able to man up to it without handlers and medicants. He would polish the fucking floor with their chicken-shit ego guts – all he would need is Ben Franklin as the moderator…

But now he is being decried as a sex and racist criminal, judging by today’s convoluted standards. In actuality, according to our new norms just because he had sex outside of his marriage with women of color, he would be considered just another modern American man exploring his sexuality. But no, he is a hero of a long distant past who must be held to a higher standard – otherwise, we couldn’t destroy him.

Well, he eventually freed his slaves who stayed in his employ and living on the grounds at Monticello so what really changed? I guess he paid them for their labor and charged them for their board and lodging as there were not many employment options back then, but now they were free to seek out fame and fortune anywhere they pleased – so don’t let the screen door hit you in the ass on the way out. Anything else he did pales against his record as a polymath, drafter of both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, much less as Secretary of State, Vice President, and then President; the founder of the Library of Congress, and what turned out to be UVA. Are all of you UVA alumni out there going to turn in your diplomas and grad degrees as an act of protest or solidarity with what?

Yeah, I didn’t think so, either. But in the mores of modern times, he is now considered to be anti-American. I’ve visited Monticello, and UVA, but here is what grabbed me the most – it is breathtaking in its impact, and will bring you to your knees to see it for the first time:

The Thomas Jefferson Collection at the Library of Congress

The next thing you know, the Antifa and BLM brigands, and other useful idiots will want to hold a book burning there, and then go on to destroy the Jefferson Memorial. Don’t laugh, it could happen – anything is possible in today’s anarchic republic, and nothing appears to be off the table if the mob is big enough, the DC cops remain docile at the orders of a Mayor who still doesn’t understand what her real responsibilities are, and the fact that the Capitol police are overwhelmed and not permitted to carry the heavy weapons they need to in order to truly protect what needs to be. Why do you think so much rhetoric is directed to law enforcement having military surplus up-armored vehicles? Because they are afraid of them…
So, what does this all mean? I am not straying into Arrias’ territory on purpose but I will call it like I see it, and that means that there is an obvious planned all-out assault in progress on the Constitution and specifically, the Bill of Rights, all in the name of PC and making amends for the mistakes of our forefathers – like Jesus Christ atoning for the original sin of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.

Well, the last time I checked, we are a long way from those ancient days, yet the events of the past and the guilt complex have pursued us relentlessly. When these artifacts of history should be objects of scientific and anthropologic study, they have instead become battle cries for a new plane of existence, albeit lower on the scale of amity between peoples. Here is someone sleeping well in his grave, knowing that he was probably right:

George Orwell

“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.”
George Orwell, 1984
The fight is on the destroy our history – and thereby control the future. I will try to get around to what that means and the assault on the Constitution and the Bill of Rights that is playing itself out right now before our very eyes. I’ll give you a hint – it means denigrating and tearing down the Framers as illegitimate, anti-American Favorites, like what they are trying to do to TJ.

I remain your faithful servant.

Copyright 2020 Point Loma

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