Time Traveling

My beautiful picture

I am not sorry that I have found a new hobby. No, it is not feeding ancient analogue pictures into the little scanner. It is time traveling.

I have been listening to the happy stories about all the people that the new health care system is going to help, right in accordance with the talking points, and trying to believe it. I wrote to my elected officials to protest the cap in Cost of Living adjustments to military pensions- the little “tweak” is going to cost the JG, should he hang around to retire from the Navy, around $113,000 bucks.

It is the usual deal these days. Things are inserted into deals struck in private, without debate, and then our elected fools vote to shaft some group of people who did not even know their pockets were being picked.

I would say it is outrageous, but you know as well as I do, it is just the way this dysfunctional government works.

So, I kept feeding pictures into the machine and took a trip through time.

The above image is Raven, standing on the wing of his mighty AD4J Skyraider. I have written about it before, but the image pleases me. I remember an open house his squadron had for the families, and he took us down to Naval Air Station Grosse Isle to see the big attack planes, and his fellow pilots.

Raven was not sent to Korea. All the reserve pilots west of the Mississippi were called up and deployed. East of the ig Muddy, the guys were held in reserve against the prospect of a Soviet Invasion of Wester Europe. It did not seem that weird in those days, if you recall what Stalin did to Hungary.

Anyway, that was about the time Big Mama got serious about telling Raven to grow up and leave the canoe club. He had three children now and it was time for the fun and games to be over. I remember the conversation at the dinner table at the little house on Chester Street in Grabbingham.

I did not know what to think. I have Raven’s log-book around somewhere, which would help me sort it out, time wise, but it is too hard this morning. One of these days, when I happen to be in the present, rather than some other time (they did all have their challenges, didn’t they?) I will get organized.

In the meantime, I will keep feeding the images into the little scanner and see what develops.

Copyright 2013 Vic Socotra
Twitter: @jayare303

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