Crowd Sourcing

(Crowd Sourced image capture of Suspects 1 and 2 near the finish line at the Boston Marathon.)

Sorry, I have been hunched over the computer, streaming NPR for information about “Suspect 1” and “Suspect 2” since before 0500 this morning.

The answer was apparent throughout- name and age is always the first thing they get, and apparently they had a body- and a wallet- in possession but could not bear to get around to the first priority element of information.

I don’t know if they are going to kill him or not. You know who I am talking about. This has been an electric morning for an old crisis junky. It is hard to figure on this side of the screen, though we have gone from knowing nothing except a remarkable night of bloodshed, 7-11 robberies, car-jackings and random explosions to- maybe- almost everything.

I am not going to try to encapsulate the story for you- the narrative is being revised and filled in as we all stumble along.

The broad brush? Yes, Chechnyan terrorists, a brother act, ideal profiles for recruits to the radical Islamic cause: 19 and 20 years of age. Many questions about how long they had been here in the States- first reports a year or so, later amended to as much as a decade, with stops around the ‘Stans.

One of them apparently a Golden Gloves boxer. How did these guys get so twisted so fast from that path to this one?

Certainly they come from a receptive culture to violence. Chechnyans have been on the cutting edge of spectacular acts of terror and brutality for a decade- just ask Mr. Putin who rode his muscular response to them to absolute power in Russia. Chechens were the first movement to use women to belt-bomb airliners. The first hi-jacking of a whole theater in Moscow that resulted in a disastrous gas attack by Russian security forces. That whole school, all those kids under the Kalashnikov. A bloody and sincere bunch, and Islamic to the core.

That was a problem. The media had been peddling the narrative that this must somehow have been some Patriot wing-nut white guy. I don’t know why. Tim Mcveigh was certainly a white guy, but I would normally lean to the percentages: Saudi nationals hijacked the airplanes on 9/11, Major Hassan gunned down his fellow soldiers at Fort Hood, Muslim extremists tried to knock down the Twin Towers the first time, Khobar Towers…Nairobi…Dar es Salaam… oh hell, I would run out of time this morning if I tried to type out the number of bombings by jihadis against the West- London and Madrid- and Times Square…oh hell, you get my drift.

NPR managed to claim yesterday that the Boston attack occurred because Hitler’s birthday is in April. They really wanted a Right Wing terrorist. I have heard about bending over backwards, but this is ridiculous.

We will know a lot more by the end of the day, but this is worth pointing out. This may be the first national security/law enforcement investigation conducted by crowd sourcing the multi-media of the event.

That is something altogether new. Certainly the story as told this morning shouldn’t be much of a surprise.

Muslim extremists bomb the homeland! What a freaking surprise!

The question I am not going to get to, and the answer you may already know, is whether they are going to kill the remaining little shit before they get him in custody. I certainly hope he is around to answer questions, but I guess I will have to wait and see.

I would certainly hate to pre-judge the conclusions, you know?

Copyright 2013 Vic Socotra

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