Tidal Wave

There is a tidal wave sweeping over me this morning, and a meeting with the good people of Lockheed-Martin in Springfield in one hour and three minutes. So, perforce, the usual smoothly-crafted story is going to have be traded for the shower and an exciting drive in the chill dank rain.

Between the disintegration of Generals Petreaus and Allen, the lunacy of the evil dwarf Bernanke at the Fed and the patently fallacious nature of the news itself I do not know what to think.

John Kerry as SECDEF? I thought we did this already. I could have as easily entitled this peeve as “Bad News.”

You may condemn Fox or MSNBC as shrilly partisan shills- I certainly do. But you may not have seen the revelation about the “BBC 28” this morning. It is the result of a perfectly legal internet research project that identified the members of  a conclave of alleged scientific experts who recommended that contrarian views about Anthropomorphic Global Warming not be broadcast because they were wrong, and not entitled to point-of-view representation on the highly respected global network.

At least it was highly respected. The Beeb is melting down these days over the matter of smearing public figures and covering up a serial pedophile as bad as that Jerry Sandusky creep at Penn State.

Oh, the panel of experts convened to advise broadcast policy were not actually scientists- they were activists, headed up by operatives of Green Peace, and the Church of England in unholy alliance. Plus the US Embassy, for some bizarre reason.

Just goes to show you can’t trust anything you hear, and you only know they are lying to you because their lips are moving.

My pal Boats and his talking Catfish are on to something profound- the tidal wave of oil and gas that will swamp local jurisidctions in the Red States where the stuff is located, the scramble of Washington to try to slice off as much of he pie as it can extort- the plain reality that future manufacturing is going to be all computer controlled and workers, per se, are going to be irrelevant.

That is a lot of people who are going to be underemployed and unhappy.

The business case for what is going on now is that there is plenty of stuff in the nation’s attic that has not been dragged out to put in the big Yard Sale that is America’s patrimony. This can go on for a while, but I am convinced this morning that the answer is to get away from all this. I don’t know where; Refuge Farm is as good an alternative as I have got, but that may not matter considering that we will have wheelbarrows of Bernanke Bucks to try to buy food.

Man, this is terrifying.

Me for the hills, or the shower. We can take a look at each of these astonishing developments in the days to come. I thought we would get a break after the election, but there was so much truth dammed up that the torrent is quite overwhelming.

Copyright 2012 Viv Socotra

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