The Hottest Chief Executive

(President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner of Argentina).

An open letter to long-suffering readers from the editorial board of the Daily Socotra:

I am running short on time. I did not write yesterday, or rather, I did not write for any distribution since the rant included some stuff that just isn’t that interesting, or maybe more interesting than I would care to admit.

The stuff I wanted to cover this morning is legion.

I mean really. The Hostess Corporation, home of the Twinky and the Ho Ho and that wonderful artificial Wonder Bread threw in the towel to the Baker’s Union and went out of business. I am hoping that something saves the Twinky brand for posterity, though since the things last forever, maybe enough of them have been made already.

Then, my pal Boats sent me an amazing account of Admiralty Law in action- you will see more about the World’s Hottest Chief Executive (no, not here) and the confiscation of a man o’ war by a rapacious venture capitalist. It is a fun story with outsized personalities interacting across three continents, but I am afraid that will have to wait until tomorrow. Too much nuance. Use the photo of President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner as a placehoder for tomorrow.

What a week. The Fiscal Cliff is looming, and the only thing certain is that taxes and death are still our eventual friends. That, and I am still weirded out by the end of General Petraeus and his public service.

It was an extraordinary career, and though I have no idea what exactly he told the closed session of the intelligence committees on the Hill yesterday, there are certain to be more revelations. And what on earth was the President’s closest advisor Valerie Jarrett doing in Tehran?

Maybe she should be SECSTATE after Hillary, though I suppose she would consider that a demotion.

I also got an analysis of what on earth has happened to the Golden State of California. It is a cautionary tale, and it turns out under the Government’s new analytic methodology, California is exactly as poverty-stricken as Mississippi.

They say the Left Coast is the bellweather for us all, and that bodes no good for any of us.

The reason for the chaos this morning is that it is the Last Game at College Park this morning- Florida State vs Maryland with a noon kick-off, and an early tailgate. I have a veggie platter and plenty of white wine, and the skies are clear if a bit cold.

I am replacing the back door at the farmhouse, though I am sure the football game will render me unsafe for the extended drive this afternoon after the game, so I will go down tomorrow and stick until Don-the-Builder’s guys are done on Monday.

Even though I could not share it, this week was a good drill, reality-wise. IIt featured a couple epiphanies. One of them includes the need to find a yoga program for crippled dummies. Talk to you tomorrow.

Copyright 2012 Vic Socotra

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