Holed Up in Virginia

(No debate about it, Justin Verlander is prepared to stare down his rivals and come out aggressive against the hated Yankees. Photo AP).

The second debate is tonight. The President has been holed up in Virginia prepping for the encounter with the former Governor.

That is precisely what I am thinking about doing- holing up in the country and not coming out until I know exactly what we are going to be dealing with after November 6th. I am not going to start hyperventilating this early this morning- I got off in that direction yesterday and had the solid beginnings of at least three rants before I took a deep breath and let it filter out slowly.


I read the last of the Joe Picket novels last night, at least the last one I had not read, having missed it on the cascade through the ten or eleven books. This one featured a shoot-out with some survivalists from the Upper Pennisula (“da Yoop”) of Michigan shooting it out with our trusty game warden and his Special Ops pal Nate, who is decidedly ambivalent about enforcing the mandate of Washington against a couple citizens who just wanted to be left alone.

For a travelogue mystery set in the great West, this one was pretty apocalyptic- “No Where to Run” is the title of the C.J. Box page turner.

I am not as apocalyptic this morning. I am thinking about adding a Little House to the property down south and establishing my own compound against the coming storm.

You know the whole concept about that: people can live in remarkably small spaces, if necessary, and in some modicum of comfort. Here is one of the designs I saw for a hot-tub house or a writing or painting studio:

(A small house. I have a hot electric connection that runs out to the edge of the woods that could power it.)

Inflation should have been one of the issues in the campaign, but I doubt if it will come up. It seems to me the price of gas and food should be enough to convince anyone that there is an issue that Mr. Bernanke is not addressing, and as one of the Boomers on the verge of entering a fixed income, that scares the crap out of me.

They don’t count those categories because they are too “volatile.”

Duh. They are volatile as my mood this morning. The American League series has moved to Motown, and the Tigers have two wins under their belts and the pitching rotation looks awesome.

Three weeks to go to and the result of the World Series- and some other things- will be clear and hopefully we can all move on and do something constructive with our time.

The main question tonight confronting the nation is whether or not Justin Verlander is going to bring his A-game to confront the slumping, injury-riddled Yankees at Commercia Park in my beloved, bedraggled Detroit.

It is best-of-seven to win the American League. Justin Verlander is at the height of his powers and on the mound tonight. Derek Jeter, Captain of the Yankees is sidelined. A win tonight and the Tiggers could finish this off at home tomorrow.

The Yanks best years are behind them, and maybe I will have something to cheer tonight. The Tigers are not the only ones who could benefit from having a good night.

Copyright 2012 Vic Socotra

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