Seven Weeks

(The famous Tower at Walter Reed from which the first SECDEF James V. Forrestal leapt to his death. It is said that he thought that Israeli agents were following him. Later disclosures indicated the Secretary was correct. Photo courtesy Historylink 101).


At the beginning of this process of healing, I used to try to remember the exact timing of it. It was early afternoon when I last talked to the Anesthetists gathered around the gurney on which I lay prostrate. Then it was something like five or so when I began to realize I was in some sort of fever dream in post-op, and eventually was wheeled back to the room on the fifth floor of the surgical wing.


So, I advanced the counter the marked my recuperation every day at cocktail hour. It only seemed fair.


I have tried to be a good patient. The pool has been tugging at me since the operation, the sound of children plunging in the water, muted laughter from adults on the pool deck. Now, virtually the whole nasty incision is closed up and covered with pink new flesh, and there are only a couple patches of scab where Papa Doc had to stick his gloved fingers way up under skin and muscle to grab the atrophied tendons and yank them down to re-anchor to the patella.


Depending on how you count- and it is too soon for happy hour today- it is right around fifty days since the operation. I have been hobbling around without crutches and can bend my leg well enough to get it completely inside the shower enclosure and really soak in glorious hot water while seated on my shower seat.


We will see what Papa Doc says this morning. I am optimistic about the possibility that I will be on the pool deck- and in the fresh blue water- soon.


Based on my age and habits, the Doc thought it might be 84 days to recovery, whatever that was. I think I am ahead of that pace, but I will defer to his medical guidance, of course.


But I think this is going to merit a glass of happy hour white at Willow this afternoon.


There have been some amazing events this week, from the revelation of a marriage to a huge contract win and maybe the green light to start walking again. There could be a lot to celebrate.


Copyright 2012 Vic Socotra





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