Postcard From the Swamp #24


This is a week that has a lot of things to be thankful about. The President pardoned the turkey, who may (or may not) have colluded with the Russians. Rumors abound about whether or not Special Counsel Mueller will have enough stuffing to indict the plump bird.

I am thankful that I am not longer in a public position where my personal integrity and career could be destroyed before lunch tomorrow. The bad behavior of powerful men in virtually all walks of life is probably only mind boggling to those of us who never thought about it. Women knew all along, I suspect.

There were no mass shootings this week- not yet, anyway, and hopefully people will enjoy a nice festive dinner with family and Uncle Jack doesn’t do anything too ugly at the table. I am definitely not going to being up politics, even if it is only at the buffet at The Front Page.

So, if you are driving today, my thoughts about those Holiday Roads is with you. As Fleetwood Mac’s Lyndsay Buckingham once astutely put it:

I found out long ago
It’s a long way down the holiday road
Holiday road
Holiday road




Copyright 2017 Vic Socotra

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