Corn Medley


So, we were talking to lovely Heather at Front Page about what had happened since the last weekend, the progress in her attempt to model her romantic life on a country and western song. Jon-without was in shorts, a remarkable fashion statement for one who is normally sharply turned out. “Power transformer caught fire and blew up. Knocked out our whole block and they are saying the power will not be back until tomorrow afternoon. I worked from home. It was pretty cool.”

“I find it a little existential,” I mused, sipping on my drink. I need to get out and talk to human beings at least once in the day. It is OK when the pool is open, but the world is going to get much smaller in just a couple weeks when the Polish lifeguards retreat to Europe and the concrete deck is empty and the green tarps covers the blue sparkling waters. There are a lot of new younger people by the pool this year.”

“We are taking over,” said Heather

Thomas the Key Grip commented that the Millennials working for his film production company had the work ethic of pine-cones and wandered out to the patio to smoke a Camel Blue, which isn’t. It used to be called “Camel Light,” but the FDA told them that term implied that there was less danger from them and they had to call them something else.

We almost started to talk about politics- we had all heard something juicy that day and it took a real effort not to dwell on the fact that of who the candidates are that are running for the highest office in the land, will mold the Supreme Court for a generation and all that money flying around. We decided last weekend was a safer topic and Heather revealed that she had taken a trip to Pennsyl-tuckey to visit her folks. “In fact,” she said, I have six ears of sweet corn, fresh from the field last Sunday. Neither The Key Grip nor Jon-without expressed any interest, and I would up the beneficiary of all six of the green hefty pods, which I swung jauntily as i strolled back to the Police Cruiser for the ride home.

We have talked about creative things to do with corn when the crop comes in- throw them on the grill in the husk after slicing off the stem, or doing the same thing in the microwaave. Peeling up from the bottom means there is less floss left to pick off, and is a pretty slick way to go.Or just roasting them on the griddle with the green wraper keepoing the kernels ice and moist.

But I had six of them. That would take the better part of a week to work through as a dinner side-ish, so I decided to take a stab or a corn-onion-and-tomato medly.

I like coking after Happy Hour. There is a certain daring in taking a sharp knife in hand to slice off the firm yellow kernels into a bowl with the chopped Vidalia onions and the can of Ro-Tel diced tomatoes:
The ingredients, seasoned with pepper and adobo spices, can be composed of just about everything in the fridge. The corn is the key, though, and this is as fresh as it gets.


I sautéed everything on low heat and stirred in a dollop of sour cream and piled on some Mexican grated cheese and slid it under the broiler to brown to a light crust..

It was wonderful, and there are still three ears of Pensyl-tucky corn to go.


Copyright 2016 Vic Socotra

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